The UPA is now "USA Ultimate"!!

The UPA is now "USA Ultimate"!!
The UPA has changed its name from the UPA(the Ultimate Players Association) to USA Ultimate

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How Good is Ghetto Force?

97 - 14 Point Differential
+ 8 Stitches
+ 7 - 0 Opening Record
+ 7 OWU Tournament Opponents
+ 1 Broken Cheek Bone
+ The UPA RRI Algorithm

= How good is the University of Dayton Men's Club Ultimate Team?

People love to talk. And if there's one thing that crosses nationalities, languages, and interests, across the globe, people love to talk sports.

And in a day when technology allows information and opinions to be transmitted at the speed of The Kozby Show, sports debates rage hotter than a Joel Brand burnt defender. And Ultimate, although certainly unique, is no exception.

With the advent of, Ultimate has turned the professional corner, and is beginning to look at itself with more serious, and credible, opinions than ever before. And just as avid readers of Mssui saw a week ago, Ultimate is constantly going to be analyzed and speculated. With more media coverage, and more reliance on the UPA's Score Reporting system and RRI system, teams across the country are being sized up every day.

And it just so happens that Ghetto Force is being looked at as you read this.

After dropping a Cactus Bomb on the entire OWU EMR Tournament field, Dayton has made some waves.....tsunami waves, if you will.

With the most massive point diff any human being will ever see, people are beginning to ask how good is Ghetto Force? Then, only to make things more interesting, the UPA updated their RRI algorithm, and none other than the University of Dayton sat comfortably as #2 in the Nation. Quite a step for a program that couldn't get two wins at Sectionals, just two years ago. And, to comment on this topic, I would like start by saying this:

Ghetto Force hasn't proven anything yet.

Ghetto went to OWU, and did exactly what it was supposed to do - trounce every team along the path to a Championship. The RRI, though outstanding, doesn't mean we're the second best team in the country. It just means that based on the UPA RRI Algorithm, we've proven we're a strong program, that's capable of doing outstanding things. The real point of the #2 RRI ranking, is to put pressure on Ghetto Force to continue to have the same success story week in and week out, the rest of the year.The math is far simpler than the UPA RRI me.....For Ghetto it's easy. We absolutely cannot let up. Dayton Flyers Basketball, The New England Patriots, it's a simple equation....if you don't add successes throughout a season, the final total is negative. Ghetto must be absolutely certain to not let last weekend's victories go to our heads. Relish it, be proud of it, but let it be fuel. We have a target on our backs now, and we have to push ourselves harder because we have to prove ourselves to everyone all over again. Each weekend is a new weekend, and there's no way now, that Ghetto's going to take the foot off the gas.


Jerry Stoffl said...

#2 in the nation!!! Keep it up, Ghetto Force!

arnold. said...

This RRI thing looks a lot like the RPI they use in NCAA Basketball. It's a nice reference tool to compare teams, but in the end it doesn't mean a damn thing.

What happens on the pitch is all that matters. #2 in the country may have people talking, but play on the field speaks for itself a whole helluva lot more. For that matter, it speaks a hell of a lot louder as well.

GhettoUltimate said...

It's an awesome, awesome thing....and, in regards to Dayton's ability to continually build a solid program, it really helps. Lots of people take note of the RRI, and it does say something....however, if we can't keep it up there, that says even more. We have to come out guns blazing and continue to fire away if the RRI is going to truly have an impact. Nonetheless, we have an awesome squad, and I'm pumped to keeping seeing what Ghetto is made of!