The UPA is now "USA Ultimate"!!

The UPA is now "USA Ultimate"!!
The UPA has changed its name from the UPA(the Ultimate Players Association) to USA Ultimate

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Great Blackout of 2008

For those of you reading this, it's likely your computer is either plugged into a working wall outlet, or your laptop battery has the uber charge and you're surfing away without a care in the world. If you're not reading this right now, you're probably a current member of Ghetto Force or any other citizen in the state of Ohio.

Yes, ladies and gents, the impenetrable fortress that is the University of Dayton is apparently readily susceptible to problems when it comes to wind - but then again, at 78 mph, what isn't? If you haven't heard, our little friend Ike made a pseudo-surprise visit to Dayton (and the rest of Ohio). Needless to say, life is continuing at UD, with things just being a tad bit darker than normal.

Ghetto's first weekday practice took place this past Monday evening, with roughly 30 in attendance, including both the elderly (aka Josh Foor, freshly 22 and AARP certified) and the fresher faces of The Force. Ghetto's next practice, which will be held with the assistance of SGA/Res Ed supplied flash lights, will be this Thursday, 5:30 at the NCR Fields.

Keep those cells charged and enjoy the free emergency meals Ghetto!


Jerry Stoffl said...

Actual cause of the UD blackout... Ghetto Force superstar- Travis Knight.

GhettoUltimate said...

Bubs, we're probably the only two individuals still reading this blog! And yes, T Knight is the supernova of human beings, his electricity blew the shiz out of the hood.