The UPA is now "USA Ultimate"!!

The UPA is now "USA Ultimate"!!
The UPA has changed its name from the UPA(the Ultimate Players Association) to USA Ultimate

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Push it to the Limit

To the person who got lazy.....they're for you.
For the person who continually throws behind their man......they're for you.
And yes, for the patented drop the pancake guy......they're for you too.

When it comes to the go-to drill, along with it's many inverted, breakside, and detailed variations, the push-ups are the equivalent to a drill sergeant's boot briskly grazing your backside. For the drops, the miscues, the laziness, and the many other creative errors that are uncovered over time, push-ups have become Ghetto's calling card for focus. When practice wavers, give me 20. Latta hit another cone? Give me 5. Butters cracked the Noob Stamp on you during Battle Royale? Kiss the concrete.

The push-up, however simple, represents everything that's changed about Ghetto Force over the last 3 years. With a combination of beauty and brute force, Ghetto has slowly, but steadily, made a name for itself.

It wasn't long ago, that Sectionals meant getting thwamp-thwamped. It wasn't long ago Ghetto players didn't have numbers (or in many cases, jerseys). It wasn't long ago that people didn't come to practice. It wasn't long ago that practices were just hotbox, with 5 guys and 3 girls. It wasn't long ago......

Taking a note from The Shawshank Redemption, Ghetto has steadily applied pressure and time.....and, in just a handful of years, has completely reshaped the face of Dayton Ultimate. Today, Ghetto's use of the push-up physically represents the difference in standards the team has taken on, but more importantly, the ever-present pressure to push hard day in, and day out.

Ghetto Force (the #50 Team in the Nation), and the Ghetto Ultimate Blog, will be going on a temporary hiatus to indulge in the University of Dayton's Spring Break. The squad (for the most part) will be taking some time to head home, to see friends and family, and in many cases, make a pilgrimage to a spring college destination (Vegas anybody?).

For those keeping track, the start of Spring Break signals an exciting time for Ghetto. It's going to be a whirlwind tour d' ultimate upon our will be Ghetto's upcoming Schedule:

  • March 29th-30th, Roll Call, Washington D.C. (A-Squad)

Stay safe, enjoy your down time, and come back hungry. We've got a full plate, we're going to need plenty of energy for all the Noob Stampings we'll have to give out.

Have an awesome break Ghetto!


arnold. said...

i bet we're the only team in the nation to have a blog entry dedicated to the sacred art of the push-up.

GhettoUltimate said...

That's cause we're the bee's knees.

Mike said...

Haven't talked to many other Ghetto members lately. Hope the workouts are going well. Just wanted to say now is the time to push it more than ever.

Don't get discouraged by the workouts. At times I feel like I'm not making any progress because I just keep seeing myself play with all you guys. Truthfully though, everyone on our team has gotten that much quicker that it's hard to see the individual improvement.

Comparing my speed now to what it was back in the fall with benchmarks outside the team, and it's clear there's a big improvement. And it'll definitely show this spring at tournaments.

Get some,
Hart Attack